Our Story

At Dosso Beauty, we believe that confidence is key. There’s no better feeling than to embody your most beautiful self and we are committed to achieving that in a healthy and safe environment. How do we do that? By providing affordable hypoallergenic braiding hair and organic hair care products that doesn't compromise the quality. By creating a line of gender-inclusive products that take the guess work out of your beauty experience. By helping our clients navigate a highly saturated industry by offering tips on how to properly care for your skin and hair.

Beauty should be fun and we want to keep it that way.

To Learn more about our journey, check out our founder video on YouTube

Founder Story

Meet Our CEO

As an inquisitive 3 year old, I would watch my mother and grandmother style hair and would ask a million questions so that I could mimic the styles on my Barbie Dolls. As I grew older, I began braiding my own hair, my friends’ and others through referrals in middle school and throughout college. When entering my local beauty supply store in West Philadelphia, I would see warning labels and ingredients on the products in which I could not pronounce or identify. Something told me that there had to be an alternative for people of color to have access to products that were healthy for their hair and body. From that moment on, I knew that I was destined to build an Organic Beauty Empire similar to Madame CJ Walker.

What motivates me to continue to grow Dosso Beauty is the everlasting imprint that I know that Dosso Beauty will make on the beauty industry, my community and each person that we encounter. Dosso Beauty’s mission is more than selling organic beauty supplies, it's about providing a platform for people of color to reinforce the confidence that they have within themselves. We believe that confidence is key. There’s no better feeling than to embody your most beautiful self and we are committed to achieving that in a healthy and safe environment. How do we do that? By providing affordable organic beauty supplies that don't compromise the quality. By creating a line of gender-inclusive products that take the guesswork out of your beauty experience. By helping our clients navigate a highly saturated industry by offering tips on how to properly care for their sensitive scalp, skin and hair.

Check out Why We Got Started